Wednesday, August 29, 2018

git-migration and Tonel for Pharo

If you want to migrate projects from SmalltalkHub (or any MCZ-based repo) to GitHub to profit from new git integration in Pharo then use Peters "git-migration" tool.

The tool is now using the Tonel format to store the code. Tonel is a file-per-class format, that means a class and all methods are stored in a single file. This is faster than having a file for each method but also prevents some trouble with git on Windows due to number of files and subdirectory depth.

Amber Smalltalk and npm

Amber Smalltalk and accompanying libs do not use bower any more, everything is based off Node package manager (npm) only now. Read more.

If you have an old command line interface (old amber-cli from previous installations) then uninstall it first.

GeoHash for Pharo

Pharo package to decode/encode Geohashes to/from latitude and longitude (geolocation).

Available on GitHub:

Using Docker with Pharo

Two small tutorials on how to use Docker and Pharo: - Tutorial one - Tutorial two

Pharo Newsletter Summer 2018

is available here.

CuisSmalltalk Live templates

A prototype of LiveTemplates for Smalltalk - implemented in CuisSmalltalk. Shows how quickly and easily one can adopt a Smalltalk IDE.

RDF for Smalltalk

Christian Haider made his code available to deal with RDF/XML file. Check out his Resource Description Framework (RDF) page. It is currently for VW - but I guess porters are welcome.

Clap Teaser

Clap - is the Command line argument parser for Pharo. The project is available on GitHub now including a teaser to demonstrate some features.

A quick memory game using Pharo’s dynamic spec builder

Spec is a UI framework used in Pharo. It not only allows to declare static layout but you can also dynamically use it.

Here is a new medium article explaining some of it's features using a memory game as a demonstration. Nice!

Test-driven development for generated portable Javascript apps

some more infos on PharoJS

Improved Playground

Feenk is improving the Playground

A mini scheme in Pharo

Now as a PDF and HTML. Looks like more of the Pharo books are converted to be available in both formats.

Exemplifying software in Pharo

An article on working with example based programming using Pharo.

Controlling a Turtlebot using PhaROS: Goals planning and Automatic docking

Read more details here or watch the video: