Monday, November 27, 2017


VoxelSpace - a simple Voxel raster graphics rendering engine written in Pharo:

Thursday, November 23, 2017

PharoTech Talk Nov. 21 - DiscordSt - accessing Discord from Pharo

The video from this weeks TechTalk on Pharo (in higher quality). The talk was about Discord access from Pharo. Code is on GitHub:

Pharo deployments based on minimal image

A step to step tutorial for prepare the minimal image for deploy is here. More details are here.

Thursday, November 09, 2017

YandexTranslator for Pharo

An implementation for the Yandex rest translation service for Smalltalk. Code is here:

Lazaro - Screen reading for Pharo

A set of adapters for most of the famous and popular screen readers. This package allows you to use a screen reader with Pharo. Code is here:

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Winter - Develop games in Pharo

Project "Winter" from Alvaro Piorno is the new and updated version of "Storm" from Esteban Lorenzano. It is a 2D game development framework using FFI with Chipmunk2D Physics Engine. Code is on GitHub: