Saturday, March 31, 2012

Made with Amber

Amber - the smalltalk on JavaScript is already used in customer products.
Laurent knows more - you can watch the video too.


In the tradition of Squeaks Morphic and the Scratch platform there
is a nice library for JavaScript with a morphic implementation to BYOB
(build you own blocks)
. Version 4.0 is still in pre-alpha status, but here's a preview available.

The current result looks really good. Details can be found on Jens Mönig's blog.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Pharo Build Pipeline

The Pharo image is used a base image for various software builds - details can be
found on the Jenkins Continuous Integration tool

Also check out the visualization of the Pharo build pipeline.

Old Hardware

Dont know what to do with old hardware? Use Pharo Smalltalk to play with it again.


You start learning Smalltalk - then look at the simple TicTacToe example game you can implement in Pharo.

Testing Webapps with Pharo

Selenium is a nice web app testing system. And there is Selenium Remote Control which can be used with Pharo web tester to test your web interfaces. There is also a video showing how to do that.

IWST 2011 papers

The International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST) 2011 proceedings are currently on-line.

Pharo and (Oracle) databases

Want to work with Pharo and Oracle using DBXTalk. Here is some help.

Looks like the DBXTalk project makes good progress - there is Neptuno the database browser and Phoseydon Beta2 allowing you to define entities using a simple DSL.

Pharo Conference in May

Want to visit the Pharo conference in May?

Then check out this page:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Extended File Library for Seaside and Twitter Bootstrap

Subclasses of "WAFileLibrary" allow you to serve static files directly from Seaside without the need for a stand-alone server like Apache.

This is nice - but unfortunately they were all served in the same resource folder/url. If you look at most JavaScript components then often separate folders for CSS or images are used which can be very tricky if you want to wrap them in Seaside.

But there is help: Nick Ager works on an improved WAFileLibrary.

He also used this to wrap the Twitter Bootstrap library, check it out at:

Object profiling

Looks like there is now a new small company founded to help profiling software. They use VisualWorks and Pharo and they use their own MIT licensed "Kai" and "Hapao" projects. I already reported on "Hapao" earlier.

VAST Videos

Nice - a new page for videos from Instantiations about VAST (Visual Age Smalltalk) and Smalltalk in general.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

CSS Frameworks for Seaside

Paul made some code available that should easily allow you
to use some of the new CSS Frameworks within your Seaside
application. Nice!


BioSmalltalk is an open source library for doing bioinformatics with Smalltalk. You can read a little bit about it on the following blog:

‎3 Smalltalkers presenting at DYNCON 2012

Gäran Krampe, Jason Ayers and Nicolas Petton - 3 Smalltalkers presenting at the dynamic languages conference.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Optimizing Seaside: Cacheable

Sebastian Sastre shares a project usefull for optimizing Seaside apps.
It is called Cacheable.

"Cacheable will make you able to use the same code in the app but making your web applications able to cache resources forever but preserving your ability of updating them whenever you need to."

Spelling Services for Pharo and Squeak

In the past John M. McIntosh created a spellchecker plugin for the
MacVM for Squeak. Now Tim announced that there are also bindings
for Linux and Windows available.

You will find it as "ConfigurationOfSpellingServices" in the MetacelloRepository on

The development repo is at the Squeaksource 3 instance at HPI Institute.
Its open for read write - so if you want to contribute...

Smalltalk and CI

Pharo already provides a CI server for daily builds:

I personally use it to get the latest versions and you should do as
well if you are interested in up to date images.

Now some work is going on in the Squeak community to reuse the build
scripts from Lukas
as well and I think we can soon expect

to fill up with Squeak CI built images. Cool and a big thanks to the people providing that!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pharo Smalltalk in use ...

Nice video from Pinesoft. The application is implemented in Pharo Smalltalk.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

SmallCharts website

Hey, Christian announced that his company website has a new design. The company is offering a tool (built in VW Smalltalk) to easily build financial charts for newspapers. Nice!

Friday, March 02, 2012

S8/U8 Social Smalltalk development

There is a new social platform for Smalltalk development called "U8".

It is based on development with S8 - a Smalltalk running over javascript execution engines on all major browser flavors.

You can find some details here or visit the NYC Smalltalk user group on 6th of March (details on the meeting here).