Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pharo in the Cloud

Jan van de Sandt created a new public Amazon Machine Image (AMI) setup as a Smalltalk web server with a Linux SqueakVM, a Pharo 1.1 Smalltalk image and the Apache2 web server. Anyone can use this AMI as a robust and scalable runtime platform for Seaside applications. Read more.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Interactive Web site testing

Laurent created a new screencast on using Selenium (a java web application test system) and Pharo to interactively test web applications. See more.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Smalltalk and wine

A fine glass of wine is something you may find enjoyable while developing software.
The interesting part is that there is a german IT expert now selling wine called "Smalltalk", "Pearl", "DreamWeaver", ...

Read more (german article)

Enjoy a "SmallTalk 2008 Rheingau Riesling QbA trocken"

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Instantiations bought by Google

Instantiations was acquired by Google - mainly to get the Eclipse, Java expertise. Interesting enough the company now continues with its VA Smalltalk business:

"The new Instantiations will focus entirely on Smalltalk and remains fully committed to supporting and evolving the products we all know and love!"

The Wave is closed

Google Wave is closed. I think there was too much of a hype than usable technology. Read the announcement.

BTW: The announcement was written by Urs Hölzle who formerly worked at Animorphic systems (yes, the company that had one of the fastest Smalltalk JIT's and that was later acquired by Sun).

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


You may know the lint tools for Smalltalk or Java helping you to common errors in code.

There is now also a nice app called "TextLint" which is written in Pharo Smalltalk. It is a lint tool for common style errors in natural language. You can use it to process your text/latex/... files.

Here are videos (1 and 2)showing the tool in action.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Seafox.xpi - HTML to Seaside plugin

Nick released Seafox.xpi - a small plugin for Firefox that translates a websites HTML into the appopropriate seaside methods.
Nice and helpfull! Read more.